Monday, November 30, 2015

The wider path

                      My Ultimate Future
My plan A is to have a beautiful family and kids and it would go a little something like this...

"Finally I get to open my eyes after this deep sleep I was in" is what I thought to myself. I stretched and took a glance at my beautiful gifts lying beside right beside me. My two baby girls and my husband lay still asleep in the beautiful home we worked hard to buy. I got up and walked to the room that was designed for me to have my "me time". I liked to enjoy my mornings here because it was a peaceful setting. I finished lounging and had to get ready for work. I had to head to my other children. My students. I work with kindergartners and I loved it. After I got myself ready for work, I had to wake and prepare my girls for school.  Every morning I looked at them and it was all so surreal. I had my beautiful kids and an amazing husband that helped me create them. I thanked God every morning for the simple blessings of just sending my precious daughters off to school.

Unexpected Turn
         However, things do change but not always for the worse. If things were to change in my life this is how I think it would go because I can't predict any bad things happening in my life.
        I always loved makeup and applying it on others. I found myself bored sometimes because all I did was teach and spend almost all of my time around children. So I had to find something else I enjoyed doing that could also take my mind off things. I came up with the idea of doing makeup tutorials and posting them onto my YouTube and other social media accounts. Overtime my popularity grew within the YouTube social site. People actually liked what I was doing. They liked what I was doing so much that some people even asked to pay and have me do their makeup. Things started to pick up, money was coming in and I was happy. I was doing both of the things I ultimately loved. Then, one day I awoke and prepared myself for a YouTube tutorial that I wanted to record. Like always, I checked my email first when I logged into my computer. I noticed a strange new email from an account I didn't recognize. I opened the email and it read that the manager for the Victoria Secret models was looking for a new dynamic makeup artist. The told me they loved my craft and how I was using it and if I would be interested in doing makeup for the models during major runway events. My heart dropped on the floor. I was shocked but so thankful for this opportunity. I was jumping up and down and ran to my husband and shared the news with him. Finally, after celebrating for five minutes I replied to the email taking the opportunity. I continued the rest of my day thinking of how the next few years of my life could possibly change.
1 month and a half later...
Me and the manager whose name was Kiko often communicated. He presented me with one of their major events and was wondering if my time was free for the fashion week weekend in New York City. Some of the models were going to be part of one of the shows and I was more than excited to be be able to help ass my creativity. Of course, I said yes immediately especially after Kiko mentioned how much I would be getting paid for those three days. I was going to get paid 30,000 dollars just for being their makeup artist for that one weekend. I could only imagine how the next opportunities that would be presented to me would also make me a lot of money. Life was going to be great and I was more than excited for the future because now I was doing both of the things I love having enough time to avoid stress.

Growing up is hard to do.
So silent life was
Listening for God's will
Hoping I can hear him
Speak directly into my heart
God will always be with me 
As long as I hold onto him
He will guide me
To a path of happiness
But with mistakes too
One cannot be so great without being wise
And with being wise requires trials and tribulations
Holding on 
God will show up for me
He will rescue me at my worst 
Showing me that Life is about Trials and Tribulations
In the end life is full 
Life will be worth it
My sunny days will last 
The rain will only pass...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Visuals Journal Response & Poem

        Looking into the future I just see positivity. I hope to see positivity is what I should say. However, with such a want for positivity in my life can allow me to ignore the negativities that surround me everyday. I hope that I never stop trying to become a better me. The reason I picked most of those pictures, was because they made me feel the most clear. I feel as though if those things were to happen in the future I would have much more clarity on life. My life would be the most calm and relaxing if certain things that I want in my future would take place. I just want to be happy, and though it sounds cliche` I believe it is achievable.

   In a grey world
In certain places you find color
Color so bright
That makes you think how did I miss this
Happiness is sort of like that
Learning from mistakes
With the world working together to help you become better
When you finally know what you want in life
You feel like you should have been knew your wants
Your dreams and your passions
But it is never too late
Hold on to your dreams 
When you finally get a hold of them
because then...
the world blooms of color

Vision Board

"The only way to not let History repeat itself is knowing where you came from"

Learn something new everydayTeach the Kids, Love the kids !
"Never Take Life for Granted"

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Passion Poem

It doesn't matter What you want to beAs long as it makes you happyMusic clearly, enlightens our days, Makes us happy, in so many waysJust like music there is beautyIn a world full of ugly thingsWe get to paint a beautiful world instead To be living life unhappyis what I dreadI want to dance hand in hand with my passionsMy heart will lead happiness will lingerIll grab my dreams tighterSo that they can lift me up higherI want to dance slowly and closely with my dreamsDont miss a stepFor your dreams and passionsmay outdance you and then what would you be left with?


        Throughout the world there are people who have a certain passions for living. Everyone's passion may differ, but we all have the same goal in life. We all eternally want to be happy, but because we notice what truly makes us happy, sometimes the smartest route out. Sometimes I tend to think about what I enjoy doing versus what I can make good money doing. Some of the things I enjoy doing is singing and doing make-up. In a world that I could chose to do what truly makes me happy everyday I would chose to always do make-up on myself and others, and I would sing all day everyday. 

        It is very difficult to connect your passions with your career most of the time. It becomes very hard to connect the two because sometimes they are two very different things that cannot come together. For example, doing make-up for others can be very oppositional from teaching. However, in one small way they do connect. If I mastered how to do make-up I could also learn how to teach it to others. I could become a make-up instructor. Furthermore, with singing I could possibly do the same. However, I do feel as though singing connects with my career more than doing make-up does. I could become a music teacher for children and teaching would relate to my career path because I would still be able to work with younger people and help them master their craft.
        I would love to work with children for the rest of my life.However, I believe that if I had to provide a service it would appeal more to adults when it comes to the make-up aspect. It would benefit the community because it would allow women or even men to feel beautiful. I could also teach them, so that they could be able to provide the same things for themselves. It would be very beneficial for them because they would be able to now feel glamorous and share what they learned with others as well. They would be able to know what it is like to get pampered. They would get to live out a glamorous day that normal hard working people hardly get to experience. I cannot come up with a specific cause that I would take part of, but I know that I would want to motivate people and make people feel better about themselves. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

5 Haiku's

 5Things to be Grateful For 
1. Work
2. Mistakes
3. Time
4. Family
5. Your Name


"Wow my first paycheck"
I got paid a good pay check
Just to do nothing

I messed up this time
But it wont happen again
Mistakes happen once

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick
As time goes so do we, too
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick

My favorite part
The people I love the most
None can take your place

Janely Pagan
These are the things that make us 
So what is your name?


        In life I always thought it would be best if I didn't take people or things for granted. Ever since, my step father had passed away I learned to never take someones presence for granted. However, that moment made me realize I certainly take people for granted, that is why I was so devastated. It has been years since my step father left this earth, and one thing I cant seem to change is that I still take people for granted. I am the type of person to appreciate the little things and never forget that. I believe that is what gets me so invested in a persons life. When I get to know someone I always love the good times and I fail to realize those "good times" can turn into "bad times" in an instant. Things can turn for the worse when someone passes away, but people can also leave your life in different ways.. And that's what I forgot.
thank-you-gratitude        No matter how you think your life is, it is a gift. So many individuals don’t get a chance to make it as far as you did. It may be hard to think about the struggle in your life, but luckily life gives us time. Time heals all. Even when our lives are going absolutely wrong, we look to the future because it is time that will allow us to get through our battles. I learned to be grateful of my life. Family and friends are always something to hold tight to and be grateful for. Friends are the family you picked. Think of the crazy inside jokes, the embarrassing memories, and the fact that they’ve always got your back. Ones family can also be one thing to never want to let go of. Your family is like being your biggest fans while still remaining to be your truth and honest critic. Be grateful for that priceless relationship from friends and even family.
        Reflecting on my ways I do notice that I need to improve on accepting my mistakes and appreciating where I am at so far in life. I believe it is a good thing to "take in" your mistakes. If you don't own your decisions, you may never see the wrong pattern that your making. Accepting your mistakes can lead to a better you. There are certain things that I need to take in more, even the little things like having a job. I always seem to complain about my job, but I think I should learn to look around and see that others would work where I work if they could. Some people are in tougher situations and it makes their day by day living even harder. If I appreciated the fact of simply having a job, I would have a better understanding of other peoples lives and struggle.