Many people believe in personal legends and I am one of them. Personally, I believe mines is to teach others. Currently, I am battling between two things that I enjoy doing which is makeup and teaching younger kids. However, I feel as though my general purpose in life is to teach others.
When I pass away I want people to remember me as someone who enjoyed helping the younger kids. I want to be that person in the neighborhood that all of the little kids love. I hope to become a role model for kids. If I stay in school and remain positive minded I believe I can be the person that kids need to see growing up more often. When I get older I do want to love away from where I grew up but not too far. I plan to reside close enough to still be able to be involved in my community. I also plan on being active in local communities, freely giving of my time and talents to benefit people.
Being remembered as good proactive teacher also mirrors the general concept of being a role model for children. I believe when children are young it is very important that the are around people who are positive influences because it sets goals for them and ultimately motivates them to also achieve their personal goals in life. I would like to be able to teach others to love themselves and to never let hardships stop you from the things you want to achieve in life. Where there is a will there is a way.
Look around
Not down
For I am gone
I'll be back by dawn
Life can get wild when we're caught in the world wind
But what is there in life to win?
Peace. Success. Love
Hold onto your innocence
Somewhat like a dove
When you need me
Look above
I'll still be with you
Just like I used to
Remember me by my jokes
And the times we didn't want to end...
For it won't be long
Until we meet again
"That's all Folks"
ReplyDeleteGreat epitaph! It is creative, well-written... perfect.
Excellent work. Your personal legend of becoming a teacher and a role model is very noble.
Keep up the good work, and you will be able to make your personal legend your profession - and feel utilized, loved, and respected every day at work.
You are on your way!
GR: 100
I believe you are an inspiration for your beliefs, and that you should never give up 👆 on what you believe and aspire to be and do. You could reach and teach masses and millions if you remain mindful. Children and people with opinion everywhere will love you. I always will too bye J... 👋